Schnittmuster Gugel & Garnache

Ich habe mir ein CAD-Programm besorgt und damit – wie angekündigt – Schnittmuster erstellt. Zuerst für Aki einen Gugel und spontan für Aki eine Garnache. Beide sind hier frei verfügbar, wer sie haben mag, soll sie nehmen.

dxf-files für Personen mit Interesse daran, png für alle anderen. Die Schnittmuster sind in korrektem Massstab gezeichnet, also keine reinen Schnittzeichnungen. Der Gugel ist hier zu sehen. (Mittlerweile habe ich den allerdings weitergegeben.)

Gugel (png / Bild) und Gugel DXF-Datei (rechtsklick/download).

Garnache (png / Bild) und Garnache DXF-Datei (rechtsklick/download).

Viel Spass damit. Wer sich bei mir meldet, dem bringe ich gerne papierne Schnittmuster an den Stammtisch Zürich mit.

One thought on “Schnittmuster Gugel & Garnache

  1. When I am completely in favor of promoting the tests done by FTDNA, and am absolutely fascinated by the process and the results, this does seem to be to be a bit of an overstatement. Yes you may find your ethnic heritage facts, so you can also follow the matrilineal lines and also the patrilineal lines to discover in which they may have originated (which is going to be a fairly large geographical location), but acquiring biological parents for adopted children is quite difficult. A number of my Family members Finder matches are adopted. We have compared what we can on paper trails, but we cannot very easily find the ancestors we have in common, and even more elusive are the ancestors of the adoptees. When you speak for the participants in FTDNA who are adoptees, or if you even read through their posts within the forum to the FTDNA web site, you will see that most of them perform for years to get clues, and that final answers are generally elusive. I was not aware that FTDNA was being utilized for kidnapping cases. I’d like to hear a lot more about that aspect of their work. As I fully grasp it, their focus is genealogy, not forensics or criminology. On the other hand, I do agree that FTDNA testing can be a wonderful factor. And it can be a win win. Absolutely everyone who tests will learn some thing about their heritage.

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